This game is great! I love vermis and I love this interpretation of it, but I've found a few bugs.
After fighting the Stench Champion and getting infected, once outside I saved and once the status went away I still took poison damage indefinitely throughout the playthrough, this was only solved by closing and re-opening the game. I even took infection damage in the character select screen when I quit without closing the game!
Many NPC conversations don't reset between playthroughs, so I'll be on a new save and the frog knight will always be on their last line of dialogue - this persists regardless of whether or not I have closed the game.
I hope this helps!
Also it took me so long of traversing the flutewood forest trying to find the key to go inside after the Helmet's Beast before finally reading that its unfinished.
Fantastic joob, i love this game so much!!! but i still cant go to the hidden chambers, I type go forward after using the skull, but the path appears to still be blocked. Anyway, i love this game.
Fantastic and true to the source material! I am a huge fan of Vermis and the art style and I think you do it a huge favor. Interesting choice with the core mechanics of the game! A great take to truly make it feel like a game released long ago!
Love it. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to (SPOILER) enter the hidden chamber after using the skull on the statue in the tomb.
If it is a bug, it might be important to note that I went ahead and beat the boss first, then went back and used the skull on the statue.
type go forward to enter the hidden chambers, i've been working on a way to make it so secret passage ways are visible once found but its a wip and im not entirely sure when that will be implemented.
I think I froze the game! I was playing online, and I hit the tab button, curious if my prompt would be completed automatically. I wanted to talk to the frog knight, so I had entered "talk fro" and then hit tab. It seems the game also freezes after I die and I click the quit button.
But otherwise, I love this so much! The addition of the computer ambiance was really immersive!
okay I figured it out, it was instantly pressing the quit button on pressing tab if you had the input area in focus, will push out the fix on next update
Error: Couldn’t load project data at path “.”. Is the .pck file missing? If you’ve renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable’s name (without the extension).
i can't seem to use any of my inventory items. I got the Whistling Death and a catacomb mushroom, but when i try to use/equip it, it says that I don't have it despite them showing up on the screen. Even the inventory prompt doesn't register them, just my starting items ;w;
some items do not have any use yet, the stone staff should be equipped on start, if it isnt then its probably attributed to the bug i found that reset all items required stats to null which stop it from being equipped
Ok that makes sense, the dialog didn't indicate that the staff was already equipped or that the item had no use ("That's already equipped" or "You can't use that here"kind of things).
It's not a serious problem, since I managed to die of infection in the Pauper's Catacombs without any bugs or glitches, A+
I know it is old school and such, but if you can make that when we type the prompt is focused automatically... that could be a saviour. Anyway... this feels and sounds amazing. Good Work!
I'm glad you are planning to see it through and I hope Plastiboo doesn't ask you to stop. If anything, it'd be cool to see them pitch in or give pointers. I can also understand if they don't see an actual game as in their vision for the project though. Hype should be good all around as long as it isn't promoting bad actors.
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This game is great! I love vermis and I love this interpretation of it, but I've found a few bugs.
After fighting the Stench Champion and getting infected, once outside I saved and once the status went away I still took poison damage indefinitely throughout the playthrough, this was only solved by closing and re-opening the game. I even took infection damage in the character select screen when I quit without closing the game!
Many NPC conversations don't reset between playthroughs, so I'll be on a new save and the frog knight will always be on their last line of dialogue - this persists regardless of whether or not I have closed the game.
I hope this helps!
Also it took me so long of traversing the flutewood forest trying to find the key to go inside after the Helmet's Beast before finally reading that its unfinished.
noted, i'll have to look into the bugs
Fantastic joob, i love this game so much!!!
but i still cant go to the hidden chambers, I type go forward after using the skull, but the path appears to still be blocked. Anyway, i love this game.
my bad, you have to type go inside. I'm still currently working on making hidden entrances visible when they are discovered.
Fantastic and true to the source material! I am a huge fan of Vermis and the art style and I think you do it a huge favor. Interesting choice with the core mechanics of the game! A great take to truly make it feel like a game released long ago!
Love it. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to (SPOILER) enter the hidden chamber after using the skull on the statue in the tomb.
If it is a bug, it might be important to note that I went ahead and beat the boss first, then went back and used the skull on the statue.
type go forward to enter the hidden chambers, i've been working on a way to make it so secret passage ways are visible once found but its a wip and im not entirely sure when that will be implemented.
I think I froze the game! I was playing online, and I hit the tab button, curious if my prompt would be completed automatically. I wanted to talk to the frog knight, so I had entered "talk fro" and then hit tab. It seems the game also freezes after I die and I click the quit button.
But otherwise, I love this so much! The addition of the computer ambiance was really immersive!
Oh jeez, that is the first time I've heard about that bug, but its happening to me too when I play on my end, I'll look into it
okay I figured it out, it was instantly pressing the quit button on pressing tab if you had the input area in focus, will push out the fix on next update
Really cool that you did this! You captured the vibe of the book really well. A couple quality of life suggestions:
Please provide a setting to turn off or reduce the wobbly screen effect. It got a bit unpleasant after a while.
Pressing tab crashes the game (in firefox). I wanted to try autocompleting commands with tab.
Let us press up to autofill the last command. It would be helpful when cycling through NPC dialog.
feedback noted, thank you! I'll work on putting these in a future update
Error: Couldn’t load project data at path “.”. Is the .pck file missing? If you’ve renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable’s name (without the extension).
Were other able to install the .exe?
same problem here
ah i see I forgot to upload the pck aswell, i'll fix that
you rock BTW this is so cool. Looking forward to showing you my similarly themed project when I am finished.
Very excited that someone put the work in to make Vermis playable like a crunchy old computer game. Well done!
thank you!
i can't seem to use any of my inventory items. I got the Whistling Death and a catacomb mushroom, but when i try to use/equip it, it says that I don't have it despite them showing up on the screen. Even the inventory prompt doesn't register them, just my starting items ;w;
hmmm, what starting class did you pick?
Sorry for the long response ^^;
I picked the Infant Seeker. For all I know, i probably don't have the correct stats to use it
I also experienced this issue as the Stone Scholar. Typing 'use Vertebra Stone', 'equip Stone Staff' or variations thereof didn't do anything.
some items do not have any use yet, the stone staff should be equipped on start, if it isnt then its probably attributed to the bug i found that reset all items required stats to null which stop it from being equipped
Ok that makes sense, the dialog didn't indicate that the staff was already equipped or that the item had no use ("That's already equipped" or "You can't use that here"kind of things).
It's not a serious problem, since I managed to die of infection in the Pauper's Catacombs without any bugs or glitches, A+
I know it is old school and such, but if you can make that when we type the prompt is focused automatically... that could be a saviour. Anyway... this feels and sounds amazing. Good Work!
I have the same issue when testing the game, I haven't implemented a fix for it yet but I will work on one, should be very simple
You're a legend T_T can i ask where it currently ends? I can't tell if I played through everything or if i just got stuck lol
Current version ends right after the stench champion, there's nowhere to go from there. game will continue to be updated though
Looking forward to it!!
i just pushed out a massive update, hope you get to check it out soon
Awesome! Great job dude!
I would suggest a different font, I'm having issues reading it.
That kinda fits the aesthetic of the book
in the most current version I'm working on, the font is changed, not sure exactly when I'm pushing out that update though.
This is a helluva start. I hope you continue it, especially with the increasing publicity.
Working on it until its finished, or until plastiboo sends a dmca for the fan game 😂
I'm glad you are planning to see it through and I hope Plastiboo doesn't ask you to stop. If anything, it'd be cool to see them pitch in or give pointers. I can also understand if they don't see an actual game as in their vision for the project though. Hype should be good all around as long as it isn't promoting bad actors.
I immediately recognized Kobold, great choice, great work.
thank you thank you
Great Stuff.
Super cool!